“Of Yellow is the outer Sky” is an ode to the fragility of life in Syria since the revolution started on March 15, 2011. An artist’s studio, with objects she collected from different cities in Syria, like the glass hand vases saved from Aleppo, and other objects she hand-made herself, like “the chandelier of light” and the ping pong table with the bloodied body of a woman replacing the net, becomes a place of meditation on a lost Syria and is intensified via the filmmaker’s study of light, form, objects, memory, and time linking cinema to social reality as well as to modern art.
“Of Yellow is the outer Sky” is an ode to the fragility of life and the Syrian revolution which started on March 15, 2011.
“Autrefois le soleil scintillait” est une ode à la vie et à la révolution syrienne qui a éclaté le 15 mars 2011.
Photography: Wael Liddawi
Music: Salvatore Sciarrino
Written, Directed, Edited, Designed, and Produced by Hisham Bizri